26 February 2012

\m/ first

First post of \m/ blog.  You can call the it Horns since \m/ is kind of hard to pronounce.

\m/ is going to be primarily be a review site.  There's a shit ton of metal review sites, I know.  Fortunately, I don't care.  I'll also post links to articles I find interesting or talk about bands in general.  Occasionally, I might go into some of the philosophy of metal too.  You just never know.

The inspiration for this blog came from two things: 1) A desire to subject you, the reader, to my opinions, and more importantly, 2) A general lack of Nile reviews on every other metal blog.  Therefore, I bring to you: Those Whom the Gods Detest.

Gaze upon its beauty
Have you listened to Nile before?  If you haven't, you should.  In fact, you really shouldn't consider yourself a Death Metal fan until you have listened to Nile.

Nile's sixth studio alum, Those Whom the Gods Detest takes the over-the-top excess paramount to death metal to its ideal culmination.  Seriously.  George Kollias returns for his third album with Nile running doublekicks so fast that Travis Barker's balls retracted back into his vagina.  Sanders' guitar solos don't drop panties, they incinerate them.  And he plays on a goddamn double neck guitar.

In all seriousness, Those Whom the Gods Detest may be the finest piece of work Nile has ever put out.  "Kafir" slams you with an eerie Middle Eastern vocal line to compliment Kollias' unrelenting blasts and a catchy riff that leaves all listeners chanting "there is no God."  "Those Whom the Gods Detest" fuses haunting Middle Eastern folk elements with speed and brutality reminiscent of "Cast Down the Heretic."  The terrifying, plodding "4th Arra of Dagon" sounds just like what I imagine the soundtrack to human sacrifices would be.  And the solos...oh my god, the solos!

Take an opportunity and listen.  If you like Death Metal, then you'll like Nile.  And if you like Nile, you'll love this album.  Sanders and Kollias really take their craft to the next level, smelting musicality and taste without losing the tasteless, brutal wave of sound that is death metal.

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