08 April 2012

Cryptopsy - Once Was Not - 2005

So I remember the day that I was sitting there thinking about metal subgenres and I realized that I didn't know a single fucking back I could say was just straight up death metal.  It gets so goddamn crazy with all these genre-specific variations.  I thought, what about Beneath the Massacre?  Nope, technical death metal.  Decapitated?  The same.  Nile?  Tech death (although I've come to revise my opinion and say just straight death).  Opeth?  Prog death.  Gojira?  The same.  Every goddamn band is technical psychadelic progressive melodic blackened pornogride sludge trancecore.  What.  The.  Fuck.  This is my favorite genre of music, right?

Sure, you can say bands like Death and Deicide are the original death metal bands, and I agree, they are; but the problem with that is that the sound has changed so much since then, a lot of listeners consider them "old school" death metal.  So I was at a loss.  If someone asked me what death metal sounded like, I'd say I have no fucking clue.

The Revolutionary War if the redcoats had nukes?
Then, on a whim in San Luis Obispo, visiting a friend, we went to a record store and I swiped some plastic money I didn't have for Cryptopsy's Once Was Not.  I listened to it and I thought, this is it.  This is death metal.

What's great about Once Was Not isn't overwhelming level of technicality, even though that's part of it.  It's not the traditional violent lyricism, because honestly, this album is tame compared to bands like Cannibal Corpse.  It's the sheer chaos of the album.  It's that the drummer is just beating the shit out of his fucking drums.  It's Lord Worm's glorious, hyperventilating dog-bark vocals.  It's the constant dissonance of the tremolo-picking guitars.  It's that the whole album just screams "fuck you" at everyone.

Once Was Not doesn't carry that overproduced, mechanically perfected and produced sound that identifies tech death like Beneath the Massacre.  Nah, they have that old school Death and Morbid Angel sound, unrefined but immensely talented, combined with the development of death metal over the years.

Before people start bitching (yeah, I know, nobody's gonna bitch cause nobody reads this blog - fuck off), yeah, I know that Cryptopsy's earlier albums are pretty fucking good too.  I love None So Vile too, but due to lyrical content, that albums a lot less accessible.  I don't mind listening to violence, but usually gleeful disembowelment done slowly as to torture is towards the bottom of my musical content desires.  Once Was Not was a different direction for Lord Worm, focusing a bit more on politics and human nature instead of rape and murder.  A step in the right direction, if you ask me.

The album offers a lot of variety, too, for a chaotic death metal album.  There are relatively melodic break downs, like the random acoustic sweep picking in "In the Kingdom Where Everything Dies, the Sky is Mortal," and there are some blisteringly clever guitar lines, like in my favorite track "Carrionshine."  There's a lovely, corny "string" intro to "Angelskingarden" (AWESOME track name, Nathan Explosion would be jealous), and there's even a terrible jazz intro.  Seriously.  "Keeping the Cadaver Dogs Busy."

Lets be honest here.  This album would be nothing without Lord Worm.  The musicians in Cryptopsy are some brutal musicians, but I've heard their newer album.  It's straight up metalcore.  I mean, whatever; if that's your genre, I don't care - I've been known to rock the fuck out to some Chimaira - but jesus christ knows that's not death metal.  Lord Worm adds that old school edge with the chaotic, unrelenting energy that you can't avoid if you're barking like a dog on stage.

And...well, Lord Worm also left metal to teach english to second language learners in Canada.  Helping others if fucking metal, and if you don't think so, you can go play in Angels and Airwaves.

So yeah, I fucking love this album.  Listen if you feel like listening to something unpolished, where you can tell every track was laid out with the musicians downing beers and breaking shit in the soundroom. Don't listen if you want something produced, perfectly mixed, or if you don't like Lord Worm's vocals. Also, if you don't like Lord Worm's vocals...well, I heard Travis Barker is looking for a bitch to carry his cymbal stands around...