Vociferance, making 22 feel too old for metal since 2010. Assholes. |
Abscission of Light starts off with a minute and half intro that sounds like it's done with a $40 cassio keyboard, but it's not a bad effect, and it's got a bit of a middle eastern vibe to it. Then with a nice bass slide, we're into a lovely metal intro to probably the most memorable song on the album, "The Wrath of Sutekh" (more Egyptian themes for you Nile fans), which is the track that uses that lovely whammy bar. Lots of squealies, lots of chugga chuggas, and lots of short sweep breaks, showing the guitarists' prowess. Fun shit.
Probably the funniest moment of the album, though, is towards the end of "Betrayal at Sea," the title of which already makes me think it's gonna be an Alestorm song. The track plods along at a pleasant 7/4 most of the song, not too hard to bob your head to initially but much more aggro in the chorus line. The song is just good until you hit about 2:45, when the lovely breakdown starts. Now, I'm not a breakdown-holic like all the metalcore kids, but follow it for a minute and at 3:04, you have a lovely, weird, out of place modern jazz breakdown for like thirty seconds, leaving all the br00tal metal heads wondering how the fuck someone tricked them into listening to weird ass jazz. Tell me that shit isn't awesome.
My biggest complaint with the album is that it drags on a bit. Really, it's a pretty straightforward formula once they get into the meat of the song - chugga chugga chugga, sudden short sweep riff, repeat. But if you get over that, there's some really interesting and experimental stuff. Take, for example, the sweep riff at 0:48 in "In Chambers They Decay;" the guitarist is not just sweeping major and minor arpeggios, he's sweeping all sorts of weird fucking chords. Combine that originality with the really clever chord progressions throughout different tracks that allow for an accessible melody line without losing the dissonance of good death metal, and you have a recipe for some badass metal. They integrate their chugs with lots of tremolo picking, and have a nice layering of low death growls and high pitched, raspy barks, adding variety and making them sound nice and evil.
Honestly? It's a fucking good album. It's better than a lot of people out there with record deals (*cough Travis Barker cough*), and they recorded this shit themselves. The producing is fantastic, the mix is better than most metal albums I've heard ever, you can hear the bass, and the songwriting is original. AND, it was given away for free. Fuck yeah, Vociferance, if you tour in SoCal, I'll be knocking bitches over in your pit all night.
Download (via Death Metal Invasion)